!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Come feel the pan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Apparently afterwards Phil Davison "WENT HOME AND HAD A HAM SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!"

Here's the Hollywood trailer version.

With the caps lock still on, but a more poetic machinegun stream-of-consciousness delivery, Jimmy McMillan of the Rent Is Too Damn High party represents the opposite side of the US political spectrum.

Though he comes across as a bit (ok, a lot) of a novelty sideshow in the short clips, he makes more sense when writing about the banking bailout and in the longer extracts from the debate on youtube.

Whatever it all means, US local politics sure tops Huddersfield council elections in the surreal stakes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neil! I just read on Spotted by Locals website you're from Edinburgh. I worked there for 8 years and I was wondering if you know of any places in Bxl (moved here three weeks ago!) where I could buy vegetarian haggis and Baxters soups, or am I asking for a wee miracle? :) Cheers.
